Cyber Security Services


Penetration Testing Security Assessments

We offer a scope of specialized vulnerability assessment and penetration testing services that can support distinguishing all areas of susceptibilities to enable you to counter the risk of a cyber-assault. The benefits foreseen for pent-test can be:

Cyber Security Service
  • Vulnerabilities And Their Remedial

  • A Wide-Ranging & Efficient Pen Test

  • A Prioritized Risk Identification

  • Compliance With Standard Requirements Such As ISO 27001, And PCI DSS, Etc

  • Added Protection To Your Company Status

Penetration Testing Services

Network Testing

We comprehend the significance of a protected system, and realize that your business relies upon it. Our expert penetration testing pros look at the current state of your framework to evaluate the strength of your security controls, and to recognize all the ways that an attacker might utilize to pick up unauthorized access.

Our reports detail the security vulnerabilities inside your framework that may possibly be misused in an attack. They moreover prescribe the finest strategies to secure the environment based on your unique internal trade prerequisites and industry best practices. Our penetration testers are competent of testing your framework as authenticated or unauthenticated users.

Irrespective of your application / software is developed, in house or custom-made from other sources and chance of network security or cyber security compliances may have been overlooked during development stage having system and company information at stake.

Our specialist perform assessments and examine the infra (developed and support), having focus on the deployment procedures and components, checking server and user environment.

Application Testing

Remote Access Testing

We can help you gauge the security of all the components which involve your flexible working environment, analyze your security architecture, configurations and implementations, test for vulnerabilities and recommend apt security policies to moderate against any attack.

We ensure you are equipped to cope the security risks that arise from flexible working. Issues such as laptop security, VPN security, access to remote servers, modems and the use of portable devices are considered.

Actors are no longer limiting themselves to just cyber assets but including physical and human assets. Hence, organizations need to secure and defend their business using more complex and skilled attack scenarios.

A Full Spectrum Attack Simulation assessment is a customized engagement comprising replicated, targeted attack and response capabilities. It is designed to address specific concerns, to deliver the insights your organization needs to operate securely and to answer – Are we adequately secured?

Full Spectrum Testing

Mobile / Cloud Testing

Actors persistently probe public and private environments for weak security controls, misconfigurations and vulnerabilities and yet there is the diverse possibility they do not have the same standards of cyber security hygiene as your internal systems.

We can help you secure your cloud environments with our detailed penetration tests and configuration reviews