Cyber Security Services


Training & Awareness

Safeguarding Organizational enterprise data / information is an intimidating task. Despite increased expenditures on Information Security programs, corporates lose billions each year because of information leakages. How are they equipped?

Expensive Technology and Intricate Processes solve only a small part of the problem, because eventually people who continue to remain the susceptibility that can cause breaches. In addition, of course, all of the above, challenges must be overcome within reasonable and measurable return on investments.

Our Cyber Security Awareness training program is outlined to provide employers and employees with a general understanding of the threats to cyber / information security they encounter, help them to recognize the threats and vulnerabilities and respond to such, appropriately, including detailing the countermeasures that can be adopted.
The cyber security awareness training module varies in length between 30 minutes to 90 minutes - but each can be tailored or combined to provide organization’s with a platform that best suits their requirements.